Sunday, March 25, 2007

Rules/Hints Of Deathcatch Classic

Deathcatch Classic rules Version 1.0 by Zzzyax:
(As invented for dc!_Deathcatch_arena_v1)
1. No weapons except the Grav-Gun, Crowbar/Sunstick or Grenade is to be used (Grav-gun is allowed to shoot anything)
2. To score a point either get a Crowbar/Sunstick, Grav-gun (Shooting something) or Grenade kill, no other kills will count.
3. If you get 3 "Illigal kills" on purpose, you will be banned from the server.
4. Try to stay on your side of the playing field/cage it is considered noobish to get upclose and personal (Unless playing outside)
5. Have fun and get killing.

Hints for Gameplay on Dc! Arena:
1. The elevator is glitched, if you jump when its right at the top you do a super propelled jump (Takes good timing)
2. Try this, Throw a grenade on the floor, quickly switch back to grav-gun, then launch it ASAP to the nearest foe.
3. As a distraction when entering the cage run over the trapdoor as fast as you can opening it, the enemy inside may fire his/her barrel outward and miss you once you enter.
4. Shoot straight (that is a real tip...)
5. Strafe as much as you can, try to dodge any incoming Barrels
6. When attempting to catch an incoming barrel hold right click and look at it, jumping and crouching sometimes helps
7. When throwing barrels jump to get more height on the shot, crouch to make it more accurate
8. Practise makes perfect.

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