Monday, June 11, 2007

Weekly Update #2- 11 June 2007

Sorry i missed last weeks update... let's call that a "Holiday" anyways reguardless you will get the coolness of the weekly update, this update shall just be images with captions for your enjoyment, mostly concept art and screenshots from hammer, but we like ^^

(Above) Some logo Concepts from the "Deathbook"

Concepts for the Man Cannon, idea "Borrowed with no intention of giving back" from Halo 3

DC_Acention layout (The Text Reads: A large cliff area has met the new sport. The players in the competition spawn at two seperate distant bases as they prepare to fight they fly over series of deep canyons by man cannons then find props to slaugter thier opponants as the proceed toward the enemy base, they should fight the enemy around the base or midway somewhere)


The idea here was to have like good versus evil in a game of DC over a canyon with some oldé styled forts with grenades and barrels and whatnot lying around, i achieved everything except the nades...

-End of Concepts-
-Begin of Renders/Hammer Shots-

>Renders Coming soon (Give it a few hours)<